Firması 2002 yılında az sayıda gereken bazı parçaları
SLS (3D Systems/ Vanguard)
teknolojisi ile plastik tozlarından inşa ettikten sonra
direkt olarak uçaklarda kullanmaya başlamıştır. Boeing,
bu hedefe yönelik olarak Haziran 2002'de ODM (On
Demand Manufacturing)
isimli, talep üzerine çabuk imalat yapabilecek özel
bir birim de kurmuştur. Boeing bu çalışmaya öncelikle
askeri uçakların havalandırma parçalarından başlamış,
zamanla daha kritik parçaları da autofabrication teknolojisi
ile direkt olarak üretmeyi hedeflemiştir. Böylece metal
kalıpla imalata kıyasla daha kısa sürede ve daha düşük
maliyetle üretim gerçekleşebilmektedir. 3D Systems bu
çözümüne ADM
(Advanced Digital Manufacturing- İleri Sayısal İmalat)
ismini vermiştir.
iki resimde ADM kapsamında SLS Vanguard ile polyamide
(PA) malzemeden inşa edilmiş ve direkt uçakta kullanılmaya
hazır bir havalandırma kanalı parçası görülmektedir.
İçinde havanın akışını yönlendirmek için kanal boyunca
uzanan birbirine paralel karmaşık geometrili kanallar
bulunan ve çok az sayıda ihtiyaç duyulan bu parçayı
plastik enjeksiyon metoduyla imal etmek hem çok pahalı
olacak hem de çok daha fazla zaman alan bir proses olacaktı.
Aşağıda, konuyla ilgili 3D Systems'in 5 Eylül 2002'de
yaptığı bir açıklama yer almaktadır:
Calif., Sep. 5, 2002 - 3D Systems Corp. (Nasdaq: TDSC)
today announced the purchase of an initial two VanguardTM
SLS® (selective laser sintering) si2TM systems, by On
Demand Manufacturing (ODM), a new subsidiary of The
Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) in Camarillo, Calif.
As part of 3D Systems' Advanced Digital Manufacturing
(ADM) solution, the newly acquired SLS systems will
be used by ODM to perform rapid, low cost fabrication
of small lots of complex, hard-to-manufacture parts.
Because the SLS systems require no tooling or molding
equipment, they will provide a significant reduction
in the time and cost of manufacturing these parts.
ODM's first contract will be to supply parts to Boeing
for the environmental control system ducts of military
aircraft. "We are starting off with non-structural parts,
but we have a vision to take it much further. We are
ramping up quickly and, if all goes as planned, we expect
to have several more Vanguard sinterstations by this
time next year," said John Wooten, general manager for
"At the core of ODM's Advanced Digital Manufacturing
approach is 3D Systems' laser sintering technology,"
explained Scot Thompson, Global Business Director, Aerospace
for 3D Systems. "3D Systems' recent advances in software,
materials, and process have advanced this technology
from what was once primarily used to develop prototype
parts to the creation of actual end-use parts through
"ODM understands the benefits of this ADM technology.
Design engineers are now totally free to design purely
for functional use, rather than being limited to conventional
design due to manufacturing constraints. By utilizing
our SLS systems, ODM is capable of building components
on demand directly from digital data.
"We are delighted to work with ODM and Boeing to further
develop ADM solutions for aerospace," continued Thompson.
"Boeing is truly a pioneer in this revolutionary manufacturing
process and is already using the SLS system for parts
production for other military aerospace applications.
Their vision and knowledge of specific requirements
have lead to extraordinary success in tool-less manufacturing.
"This is a perfect application to replace traditional
tooling, producing end-use parts today and full life-cycle
support into the future. We expect ODM and Boeing to
lead the industry with their 'build on demand' strategy,"
Thompson said.
About ODM
On Demand Manufacturing (ODM) has been operating as
a Boeing subsidiary since June 6, 2002. The business
originated from Boeing's Chairman's Innovation Initiative,
which gives employees the opportunity to propose and
develop new business concepts based on core technology
or business strengths of the company -- in this case,
laser sintering technology. Employees whose concepts
are spun off into new ventures are given an opportunity
to take a leadership role in these ventures.
Systems, az sayıda parçanın gerektiği özel imal edilmiş
1 yarış otosu parçaları
veya rüzgar tüneli test modelleri için de Renault ile
işbirliği yapmıştır. ADM (Advanced Digital Manufacturing-
İleri Sayısal İmalat) ismi verilen bu merkezde SLA
7000 kullanılmakta ve Eylül 2002'de OptoForm
sistemi kurulması planlanmaktadır. Daha sonraları ise
merkeze aynı uygulamalar için SLS Vanguard
sistemi de alınacaktır. Aşağıda,
konuyla ilgili 3D Systems'in 28 Ağustos 2002'de yaptığı
bir açıklama yer almaktadır:
Formula 1 Team and 3D Systems Establish First Formula
1 Advanced Digital Manufacturing Center:
VALENCIA, Calif., Aug. 28, 2002 - 3D Systems Corp. (Nasdaq:
TDSC) today announced the partnership and establishment
of an Advanced Digital Manufacturing (ADM) Center in
conjunction with the Renault F1 Team in Enstone, England.
Under the terms of the partnership agreement, 3D Systems
and the Renault F1 Team have established an ADM Center
specifically concentrated on Formula 1 design and low-run
production parts for the Renault F1 Team car.
Advanced Digital Manufacturing Center is the next logical
step in our Technology Partnership with the Renault
F1 Team. We have had a partnership with the Renault
F1 Team since 2000 and have been impressed with the
integration of our solid imaging systems into their
design and manufacturing processes. The establishment
of the 3D Systems Advanced Digital Manufacturing Center
at the Renault F1 Team is a committed effort by both
companies to continue the extraordinary work done in
the wind tunnel but also in the development of parts
used directly on the car during testing or a race,"
said Mike Kelly, European Director Sales and Marketing.
Further to this, Mike Gascoyne commented, "The ADM Center
will allow the Renault F1 Team to fully utilize our
expertise in new car design, testing and production."
began our relationship with 3D Systems in 1998, producing
SL parts from an SLA® 5000 system for wind tunnel testing.
Starting with one SLA system, we quickly began to utilize
it to produce rapid iterations of designs for wind tunnel
testing while exploring new and inventive designs typically
not easily produced by traditional methods," said Technical
Director, Renault F1 Team UK, Mike Gascoyne.
utilization of the first SLA system exceeded its capacity
and in 2000, 3D Systems and the Renault F1 Team entered
into a Technical Partnership with the acquisition of
two additional SLA 7000 systems. The new ADM Center
at the Renault F1 Team, with its additional SLA systems,
OptoForm system and solid object printer capacity, will
allow us to develop and surpass any design concepts
and part production that we had previously envisioned.
This is a step forward for the Formula 1 industry,"
continued Gascoyne.
addition to the two SLA 7000 systems, the ADM Center
will receive two additional SLA 7000 systems and an
OptoForm system in September with full commissioning
of the new facility expected by December 2002. When
fully operational the center will be furnished with
four high-end SLA 7000 systems, an OptoForm paste system
and a ThermoJet® printer. Future additions to the ADM
Center will include 3D Systems SLS® (selective laser
sintering) systems technology.